So wonderfull that its snowing, and with luck just on the day when we are photoshooting, I was thinking today before I left to town. To our saddness it ended before we got the camera ready but we managed still find snowy areas in the near park. This particular dress I have owned for a long time already, it has just been waiting for the right time and right place in my closet. After I received my new wig I tought its finally time to get the pictures done, its either now or never! I like the steampunk style I have going on here, it also reminds me some of Gothic lolita because of the shape of the dress.
Mekko/Dress: Gothabilly red striped dress Draculaclothing 4XL
Osta/Buy: Draculaclothing
Ostin tämän mekon kun se oli valikoimassa viimekerralla Dracula clothingilla, nyt he ovat muuttaneet kokojaan joten en ole aivan varma mitä nykyistä kokoa mekko vastaa sillä omassani lukee 4XL eikä sellaista ole enää sivuilta saatavissa. Mekko on aivan ihana, kangas hivenen jäykkää mutta se ei menoa haittaa. Yläosa on joustavaa kangasta, venyisi vielä isomallekin. Ainut haitta mikä mekossa oli, oli sen mukana tullut musta vyötärökaistale joka oli aiivan liian pieni jotta sitä olisi voinut käyttää. Sen puutos ei silti mekkoa pahenna, sen voi korvata kunnon vyötärökorsetilla halutessaan. Mekon alla käytän Hellbunnyn mustaa petticoattia, koko XL.
I bought this dress when it was last time sold at Dracula clothing. They have after that changed their sizing so Im not sure what current size this is close to, but I bought 4XL and happy with it. The dress is lovely tough the fabric is bit stiff, but not so much that it would bother me. The dress stretches nicely on waist and top. The only fault I can find is that the corsetbelt that came with it is wayyy too small. I can still wear it with out it and just put on a real corset instead of it if I wish so its not that big of a deal for me.Under the dress im wearing a black Hellbunny petticoat, size XL.
Peruukki/Wig: Gothic lolita white wig
Osta/Buy: Aliexpress
Ali'sta ostettu runsas, korkea peruukki. Hintaansa nähden hyvä ostos. Kiinasta ostettaessa tavaroissa noin 2-4viikkoa toimitusaika Suomeen. Omani toimitus kesti vähän vajaa kolme viikkoa.
This wig is very full and rather high with a lot of hair. I consider it a good buy for its price. When ordering from China the delivery times are quite long, usually 20-60days. I got mine in around three weeks.
I know your hiding..somewhere
Snooow! Its so cold!
Majestic posing, notice cute selfmade necklace..Dress in action! Hellbunny petticoat under it!
Alice in Wonderland...
I love hats.. if someone hasnt realised it yet..
She told me to move around.. so I did! This is the result..
Ensikertaan! See you next time!
Valokuvaus/Photographing: Alex
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