December is almoust here and with that, Chirstmass! Im always busy this time of year like most of people, mainly due to my work. I still always manage to get into the chirstmass spirit by decorating my house and putting on some chirstmass lights (only four of them in my small appartment this year, not enough!) and some decorations aswell, just loove them. Its a habbit of mine to build a "chirstmass world" or perhaps I shoud say "Winterworld" as theres no Santa Claus or elves anywhere near it, just pure white snow and cute animals that live in it. It became rather small this year but Im still happy how it turned out!
Joulukalenteri jonka luukkujen avaamista odotan innolla! Jokaisessa talon ikkunassa on varjoisia hahmoja joten ikkunan avatessaan ehkä näkyisi jopa värejä. Hankittu Akateemisesta kirjakaupasta.
My Chirstmass calendar wich I really am looking forward to open each day. There are some shadowy figures in each window, perhaps I will see them re-colored when I open them! Exited!
Tänä vuonna kuusi on aika pieni ja valkoinen, vaikka punaisten valojen takia näyttääkin pinkiltä. Koristeet ovat aika hempeitä sillä ihastuin pieniin poroihin joilla oli eriväriset hatut ja niiden pohjalta kehitin tämän vuoden teeman.
This year my tree is small and white, eventough it looks bit pink'ish with the red lights on it. Decorations are cute and fluffy because I fell in love with these little reindeers with cute hats on and bought other decorations to fit together with them.
Vielä muutamia randomeja kuvia asunnostani, kovin selkeää kuvaa ei näistä saa mutta lupaan kuvata paremmin kunhan on kaikki hyllyt seinillä ja tavarat paremmin ojennuksessa.
Few random pictures from my appartment. You cant quite well place everything into their places but I promise to take more pictures once I get the last pieces of my furniture and everything looks just right.
Seuraavaksi luvassa takkipostaus! Look forward for the next posting of my new coat!
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