Hellbunnys autumn/winter collection has arrived with alot of beautifull clothes. Its always so difficult to choose what I want to buy but this time I said to myself to be reasonable first and buy the stuff you would actually wear day to day, rather than the ahh so pretty dresses that I woudnt wear to work. Cant say I woudnt buy some of them tough, but at least I feel more sensible now while first picking the regular clothes, heh! So I ended up buying my favourite new shirt of theirs, its called the R.I.P-top. It will work nicely on day to day wear and also in a bar with the right skirt or pants.
Ostettu/Bought: Na-clothing Osta myös/Buy also: Kate's clothing (UK)
Ihana toppi jossa koko 3XL oli mulle tosi passeli. Hyvä ja mukava materiaali päällä, yksinkertaisuutensa vuoksi sopii moneen eri asuun. Hintakin oli kohdallaan.
Wonderfull top where the size 3XL was great for me. It feels good and soft to wear and I like the simplicity of it, it goes with many outfits and wasnt too expensive either.
Hame/Skirt: Hellbunny Vampire 3XL
Vanhempaa mallistoa oleva täys kello hame jonka alla voi käyttä myös petticoattia. Tykkään "Zombieväreistä" joten tätä on tultu käytettyä aika paljon. Saattaa löytyä myynnistä vielä ebaysta tai amazonista.
Older line from Hellbunny, this vampires skirt is so "Zombie" to me so Ive worn it alot..because of the green and black ofcourse! You can also wear a petticoat under it to make it more fluffy. Can still be found in Amazon and Ebay.
Neuletakki/Cardigan: Hellbunny Doomed 3XL
Ostettu/Bought: Na-clothing Osta myös/Buy also: Ebay
Lämmin neuletakki joka menee syksyisin takistakin kirpeänäkin syyspäivänä. Näistä myös koko 2XL on ihan ok, hirveän suurta eroa sen ja 3xl koon välillä en huomannut, molemmat sopivat. Takkia on kiva pitää myös puoliksi auki, mutta oli kylmä, kuten kaulaliinastakin huomaa.
Warm cardigan wich also goes as a light jacket on crispy autumn days. I also have some Hellbunny cardigans at size 2XL and didnt notice much difference between that and 3XL, both suit me fine. I also love to wear this jacked half open, but it was coold.. thats why the scarf too.
Kassi/Bag: Banned Frankenstein and Bride
Ostettu/Bougth: Na-clothing Osta myös/Buy also: The Gothic cat walk
Paljon käytössä ollut kestävä, ihana kassi jossa on tarpeeksi pitkä kantohihna.
Lovely bag wich I have used alot. Its sturdy and it has long enough shoulder..strap thing.
Kaulakoru/Necklace: Aliexpress
Valokuvaus/Photographing: Hanski
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