Soon it will be just rain and crispy, cold days! I was around at the town looking for some autumn stuff like gloves, pantyhoses, socks and hats..thinking to post something about them in the future. Right now I havent bought many new clothes since I'm still saving for a good camera, so I put together something wich is old "new", clothes I havent had time to post about before but wich arent very available anymore from the shops. As Im still in crisis with my hair, Im once again wearing a wig.
Jokaisen rockimman tytsyn vaatekaapissa pitäisi olla ainakin yksi Hell Bunnyn villatakki. Nämä babyt ovat niin käteviä, käyvät erimallisten hameiden kanssa erityisen hyvin. Miksikäs ei myös housujenkin seurana, mutta omaan makuun ovat siihen liian lyhkäsiä. Hell Bunnyn villatakeista sen verta että en ole huomannut tuntuvaa eroa koon 2XL tai 3XL välillä, omistan molempia kokoja eikä tunnu tiukalta.
Every rocker girl shoud own one of these Hell Bunny cardigans, they are so handy! They go with almoust any of my skirts and you could wear them with pants aswell tough I woudnt personally as I think its bit too short for that. I have these in sizes 2 and 3 XL and I dont see much difference between them. I can use both sizes with out problems.
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Ihana kuva selkäpuolella / Lovely picture at the back |
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Picture: Spin Doctor |
Spin Doctor Dark magic occult top size 3XL
Alesta ostettu toppi ja tuo ale olikin ainoa syy miksi se ei lähtenyt paluupostissa takaisin. Rakastuin printtiin ja topin malliin kun sen ensikertaa näin mutta koko 3XL oli mulle aiivan liian iso kaula-aukko/hihat - kohdasta. Olen jo muutamia olkaimia ompelemalla lyhentänyt, pitäisi vielä korjata hihat jotka valuvat olkapäille ilman fiksausta. Tykkään topin paksusta kankaasta, sen alle ei todella tarvitse laittaa toista toppia. Kuvassa olen taittanut sitä vyötäisillä ainakin kymmenen senttiä sisälle päin, todellisuudessa siis paljon pidempi. Korjausten jälkeen tästä saa varmasti ihan kivan pidettävän topin joka sopii hyvin vaikka illanistujaisiinkin. Jos printti kiinnostaa, lisää vaatteita samalla tyylillä löytyy täältä.
I bought this top from a sale and that was the only reason why I didnt send it back. I fell for this print the first time I saw it but I shoud have gone size smaller since the 3XL is wayy too big for me from the sleeves and the neckline. I have shortened few of the straps already but I still have my work cut out for them. I also need to fix the sleeves wich dont keep up on the shoulders. I like that this fabric is thick, you really dont need to wear an extra shirt under it. It is much longer in reality, I have folded in at least ten cm from the waist in these pictures. After I have fixed it better, this will be a cute lil top to wear, even for a night at the bar. For more clothes with same print, visit Spin Doctor.
Spin Doctor Eleanor skirt Size: 2XL
Vanhaa mallistoa iki-ihana paljossa menossa mukana ollut perushame. Pituutta voi vaihdella sen mukaan miten alas vyötärön asettaa.
This is from Spin Doctors older line but I still love this skirt so much. It goes with almoust anything and you can decide how long you wish it to be by sorting the waistline either up or more down.
Sukkahousut/Pantyhose: Lindex (viime joulun mallistoa)
Kengät/Shoes: Second hand (ostettu Vintage-markkinoilta kesällä)
Käsineet/Gloves: Glitter
Peruukki/Wig: Aliexpress
Kaulakoru/Necklace: Second hand
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Muutama vanhempi kuva sama paita päällä / Few older pics, same shirt |
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Picture: Banned |
Yes and then these shoes! I fell in love with these Banned's ballerinas in the summer but as my money was how it was, I coudnt afford them. I didnt start to whine like a lonely cat with out a fish tough, no! I remembered I had almoust non-used pair of black simple ballerinas just waiting in my closet for me to do something with them. I was looking for some white acrylic paint from my collections but only found silver. I used it to paint similar objects on my shoes than in the real ones, and was quite happy with how they turned out. Quickly they became one of my favourite pair of shoes.