Täällä sitä ollaan taas! Mulla on kamalasti yhä postittamatonta kuvamatskua venaamassa tulevaisuutta varten joten päivitystahti on ollut nopeampaa kuin mitä tavallisesti. Tässä seuraa viimeinen tämän vuoden Ropecon postauksista. Se keskittyy kuvaussessiohin jotka pidimme lauantaina Helsingin messukeskuksen lähiympäristössä. Kokosin oman asuni uuden Restyle koruni ympärille jonka olin juuri saanut postista. Koska oli hikinen ja kuuma sää, päädyin kevyeen mekkoon vaikka korsettikin oli ensin ollut suunnitelmissa. Tiesin ystäväni Hanskin pukeutuvan Steampunk tyyliseen asuun ja pitävän yllään myös Restylen korua, joten kuvauksille tuli samalla teemakin. Olimme jo aiemminkin miettineet kuvaavamme Restylen korujamme joten otimme pari muutakin mukaan ihan vain kuvia silmällä pitäen.
Here we go again! I still have huge amount of stuff just waiting to be posted in the future so Ive tried to do posts more often to get it all out there. This one is last of this years Ropecon posts. On saturday me and my friends Alex and Hanski went to the park near Helsinki Messukeskus to take some pictures. All that I had decided of my outfit before the actual day was that I would be wearing my new Restyle necklace I had just received from the post. As it was very steamy and hot day I ended up wearing a light dress eventough I had considered a corset aswell. I knew my friend Hanksi would be dressing into a Steampunk styled outfit with Restyle necklace aswell so we had a common theme going on in the backround. We had been wanting to do a post of Restyle's jewerly before aswell so we took few other pieces from them with us to take some pics with them on aswell.
Mekko/Dress: Spin Doctor Ayla Dress 3xl
Ihana kevyt mekko jota olen pitänyt jo aiemmassakin postissa päälläni. Nyt testattu kunnolla kesäisessä ilmassakin! Tykkään!
Very light and wondrefull dress wich I have worn on previous post too. Now tested also in a summery weather, love it!
Kaulakoru/Necklace: Restyle Vespertilio violet
Tämä ihanan gootti kaulakoru on saatavilla myös mustalla kivellä. Halvimmalla saa Restylen omasta kaupasta mutta itse tilasin omani KinkyAngelista sillä sattui juuri Restylen 20% ale kohdalle enkä tykkää Restylen sivujen maksutavoista.
This lovely gothic necklace is also available with black stone. The cheapest you can find it would be from Restyles own shop but I ordered mine from KinkyAngel wich happened to have 20% off of all Restyle's stuff.
Leggarit/Leggins: Na-clothing sold out
Not all will like but I loved showing bit of legs too. Wasnt ment to show that much tough but the windy weather did its tricks on me..hehe.
Peruukki/Wig: Buttericks
Huulipuna/Lipstick: Viva la Diva / Väri/Shade: Karma
Kick'sistä saa ihania Viva la Divan huulipunia kohtuu hintaan monella kivalla erikoisellakin värillä.
You can find cute lipsticks from Viva la Diva from Kicks with reasonable prices and lovely colours.
Kaulakoru/Necklace: Restyle
Restylen vanhempaa mallistoa oleva choker jota on jatkettu pidemmäksi lisäämällä siihen ketjua sillä kaulan ympärillä pidettynä kuristi ikävästi.
This choker is older line from Restyle and mostly sold out. Its made longer by adding some chain into it as it was uncomfortable with its spikes when too close to the neck.
Vieraileva Tähti Alex / Visiting star Alex
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Oo mitäs täältä löytyy? / Ooh what do we have here? |
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Asentooo! / Atteentiooon! |
My friend Alex owns many great looking sets of old army clothing. In Ropecon she was wearing Red armyes medical persons equipment. The boots had to be replaced for more usable ones but otherwise everything is just as planned!
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Kuvaaja joutui kuvatuksi! / Photographer snatched in the picture! |
Vieraileva Tähti Hanski / Visiting star Hanski
Ystäväni Hanski oli pukeutunut Steampunk inspiroituun asuun. Toppi ja hame Lip Servicen Step in Time mallistosta, alla musta body. Hameen saa lyhyemmäksi irroittamalla laahuksen koukkuosien alapuolella. Päällä Burleskan vyötärökorsetti. Koru Restyleltä ja pääkoriste ostettu Morticiasta.
My friend Hanski was dressed in an outfit inspired by Steampunk style. The top and skirt are from Lip Services Step in Time collection, black body under the top. You can take off the ruffle from the skirt and make it shorter. She is also wearing a corset from Burleska. Necklace is from Restyle and the headdress bought from Morticia.
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Ystävykset poseeraa / Friends posing |
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Toinen koruvaihtoehto Restyleltä / Alternative jewerly option from Restyle |
And now that we are talking about Restyles jewerly, I have to say that the quality istn always the best. Because the pieces are so big and with many pieces, they often crack quite easily. Me and Hanski have the same necklace and we both have damaged it unusable wich is a shame. I still really like the size of the jewerlyes because they are such statement pieces on their own. Even the earrings are sooo big, some like,some dont. Pricing is very good, they are cheap but the prices vary depending where you order so I'd suggest to use google patiently with it. Usually its cheapest to order from Restyles own pages but the most popular ones get sold out quickly and it can take a really long time before they restock. New designs come along quite often tough, I would recommend visiting their pages often.
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