Eräänä kauniina kesäpäivänä pari viikkoa takaperin lähdin ystäväni Alexin kanssa Linnanmäelle tekemään pientä photoshoottia pin-up tyyli mielessämme. Ei voi muuta sanoa kuin että tulipa tehtyä yksi parhaista kuvausreissuista ikinä. Inspiraatio oli mukana 100% mikä kyllä näkyy kuvistakin. Halusimme ottaa kuvia Lintsillä sillä se sopi mielestämme hyvin teemaan ja Alex tahtoi pitää kuvissa ihanaa kellomekkoaan joten mikäs siinä, kohti huvipuistoa siis!
Meillä oli muutama idea tarinasta kuvien takana jota muokkasin nähtyäni kuvien lopputuloksen. Kirjoitan sen kuvien väliin vain englanniksi mutta eivätköhän useimmat sen ymmärrä. Hymyilen paljon koska Alex sanoi että ylhäältä otetut kuvat sopivat minulle ja onhan noita kivempi kai katsella kuin niitä tavallisia missä en juuri hymyile, heh. Asukokonaisuustiedot löytyy postin lopusta.
Me and my friend Alex went to have a photoshoot few weeks back in an amusement park, Linnanmäki, here in Helsinki. Alex wanted to wear her new flowerdress and as it was rock/pin-up style this place was just perfect for it. I must say I personally think this trip was inspirational wise one of the best Ive been into. We were so into it and it does show from the pictures aswell!
We had some ideas about the story behind the pictures wich I altered some when I saw how the pictures turned out. I will write it between the pictures only in english this time. I am smiling alot because Alex said it suits me to have pictures taking from above me so it got me smiling.. and hey it is sort of nice to see smileysmile instead of my usual grunts time to time, heh. I will post information of the outfit pieces to the end of the post.
Disclaimer! The story below is fictional and for fun, nothing to do with reality!
The Dating game - Amusementpark edition
There she sat, waiting for her friend. Silently you aproach..
Girl nro1: Huh? .. Sorry Im waiting for someone."
" Hey, Exuse me... can I sit here?"
" You look pretty, can we talk?"
" Hey, sorry to disturb.. Im a little lost, maybe you can help me?"
Girl nro1: " You are lost? Um I dont know the place that well either but sure. What are you looking for?"
" Baby, Im looking for you, you make the Stars Shine Bright"
" An angel dropped from the sky, I bet she has same name as you.. wich is?"
" I think I found what I was looking for.." *wink wink*
Girl nro 1 gets bit annoyed: "Hrmh.. very clever. Dont waste my time if thats all your got to say, Im waiting for my friend."
" Im sorry, I got bit carried away. Truth is Im alone too and tought maybe you would wish to go around the park with me. I'll gladly pay"
" Sorry Sweety, You got me all confused! Gimme another change, lets hang out at the park together, plenty in here to see. I would love to show the place for a pretty girl like you."
" Well we can sit here waiting for your friend or we can go and look around the park ourselves. Dont you think we would make just dashing couple. It will be fun, come on!" -you hold your hand for her-
Girl nro1: " You think I'm pretty? Mmh but I shoudnt go.. I shoud stay here and wait for her. Thank you for the offer tough!"
Time to impress her!
-Show your credit card-
- Flip your gorgeous hair-
- Hand her a flower-
- Flex your muscles-
- Correct your uniform-
Girl nro1: "OOohh my... That sure is something."
Girl nro1: " Im called Miri-Ann.. Happy to meet you. "
-Introduce yourself with a kiss on her hand-
-Introduce yourself with a smile and a nod-
-Introduce yourself and say how happy you are to meet her too-
Miri-Ann: "Just a second, I'll get ready! Such a charmer you are.. Bet you do this to alot of girls"
" No, only to the special ones.. and so far there has been only one, you"
" Only to those who deserve it and there hasnt been many!"
" Now now, lets not go to there and lets just enjoy the day, Sweety!"
" I do, but most of them turn me down. This time I got lucky!!"
" That bow looks just perfect on your hair, can I loan it sometimes?"
Miri-Ann: "Tsk.. you silly.. Come on then, lets go!"
Miri-Ann: " So what is this? I dont like these kind of rides.. Cant we do something else?
" But Baby, we could sit close to eachother and I would keep you safe from harm.."
" But its the best ride in here! Come on, doesnt matter if you scream..thats just fun!"
" Are you scarrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed!" -laughter-
" We can go somewhere else. What about the carousel? It woudnt mess up our hair like this one would."
Miri-Ann: " How toughtfull of you! Yes Id love to try the carousel. It's so romantic.."
Miri-Ann: " This is it? Im not very impressed. Isnt this sort of for children. "
" Whats wrong with youu , isnt anything good enough? AGGGH!"
" Well I do have other suggestions too..but.."
" I.. love the carousel. We can sit next to eachother and just talk "
" Your right, its lame. Lets go back to the previous one wich I already said was the best of them all but you didnt want to listen to me."
Miri-Ann: "But..what? I think I have had enough of this, Im going to go look for my friend. Have a nice evening!"
Miri-Ann went to play a game she used to play alot with her friend, hoping she would find her from there.
Miri-Ann's friend had been late and was waiting for her in the usual spot. She was in her toughts, missing her man who was called in service at the sea. You aproach her when she is looking to be very much in her toughts.
" Why hello there! Is everything allright? You look like you are looking for someone. Perhaps I can help?"
" Hey Sweety.. lookin' pretty good while starring into the abyss with those starry eyes. Wanna rather gaze at me? I'll make you smile again"
" Hello, sorry for disturbing.. Are you maybe looking for Miri-Ann? I met her before and she was looking for someone, she sat here at the same place. I can show you where she is!"
Girl nro2 wakes up from her dreams: " Mh? What? I was.. in my toughts. No thank you I'm fine.."
You are loosing your patience! This needs some direct action!
-Show your credit card-
- Flip your gorgeous hair-
- Hand her a flower-
- Flex your muscles-
- Correct your uniform-
And she fell for it! Introducing herself as Leyla-Sun she left to explore the amusement park with you as you reminded her of her lover who was soo far away.
Leyla-Sun: " I love this ride! I used to come here all the time as a kid. You can see the world out from here.. "
" Baby, you are the most prettyest thing in this world. You shoudnt wait up for someone who istn coming back. Let me take care of you.."
" You can yes.. but nothing compares to you. There is no-one like you.. Ive never seen anything more pretty in my life"..
" Yes I know I love it too! Lets take a ride on it together and I'll hold on you tight.."
She slapped you! .. Oh no. Looks like no luck for you today. Leyla-Sun muttered to herself and went out to buy something to eat while wondering where Miri-Ann had gone..
Leyla-Sun: "Perhaps she will come here.. this game we play so often together.."
Tadaa! Friends united! They shared storyes of the day and sweared to tell all their friends warning tales about -you-. Looks like Amusement park is a no go in the future..
Asujen tiedot /Clothing details:
Paita/Shirt: Black 50s shirt 2XL
Ostettu/Bought: Cybershop
Kiva paita hyvään hintaan. Ostettu alunperin Turun Cyberistä.
Vastaavanlaisia mutta eri kangasta olevia löytyy fiftari-nettikaupoista esim. kotimaisesta
Nice shirt with good price! This one I bought orginally from a Cybershop in
Turku. You can find similar shirts at many 50s shops online aswell.
Bolero: Second hand
Hame/Skirt: Forever Dead Zombie skirt Hell Bunny 2XL
Ihana hame jota olen pitänyt myös kahdessa vanhemmassakin postauksessani mitkä voi lukea
täältä ja
I really love this skirt wich I have also worn on two earlyer post wich you can find from here and here.
Alushame/Petticoat: Hellbunny XL
Sukkahousut/Pantyhose: Cobweb pantyhose Pamela Mann Koko/Size: XL
Superihanat sukkahousut jotka on tälläkertaa laitettu turkoosien
yksiväristen sukkahousujen päälle. Kyseessä siis verkkosukkahousut
isoilla aukoilla. Olen käyttänyt näitä nyt jo muutamia kertoja ja hyvin ovat pysyneet koossa. Olen pitänyt niitä myös aiemmassa postissani jonka voi lukea
Lovely pair of pantyhose wich Im wearing over a pair of onecoloured pantyhose. They are made from net with big holes basically, can
wear over anything or with out anything under. I have worn these few times now and they have been holding out just fine. I have also worn them on my previous post wich you can read from here.
Korut/Jewerly: Lapsille tarkoitetusta sarjasta Ruotsin laivalta
/ From childrens line
Korvakorut/Earrings: Talking to myself
Peruukki/Wig: Buttericks
Mekko/Dress: Miss Elinor-Estelle Red Rose
Ostettu: Cybershop
Superihana mekko jossa itse erityisesti tykkäsin avoimesta selästä. Saatavina myös pluskokoisena.
So cute dress of wich back I liked the most! Also available in plus sizes.
Alushame/Petticoat: Hellbunny
Photographing: Alex, MissMeri and Internet