And now for something bit different! Me and my friend Alex went to take some pictures themed with her Finnish militaryoutfit she had got together. The basic idea for a story behind the pictures was that a soldier would come back from the warfields to visit his lover. I got inspired by a bad bad poetry and wrote a lot of rhyming and not so rhyming comments below them. Its not suppose to be super much tought text so dont mind the mistakes and fluffyness of it. I would also suggest to click some of the pictures bit bigger as they look a lot better fullscreen but I just coudnt fit them like that in to the blog. Have fun while reading!
Keltaisten kukkien tarina / Story of the yellow flowers
Odotti kerran neito tulijaa, hän vienoin äänin kutsui kulkijaa..
She waited, called for him to come.. her loved one, not just someone..
Kas sieltä saapui vanha rakas, tuli rintamalta takas..
He heard her and arrived to her back from the war..
Neito muisti rakkaan armaan, väreissä armeijan harmaan..
Kulunut oli paljon aikaa.. mutta ilmassa oli vielä sitä taikaa..
He was quite slim, but she remembered him..
It had been some time, she tought as she flicked her hair.. but there was still that special magic in the air..
Keltaisia kukkia tarjosi hän, kera hymyn lämpimän..
The flowers he offered were yellow.. he had gathered them from the meddow..
Hetken aikaa neito empi.. mutta loimahtipa sittenkin lempi..
She was not sure to take them or not.. but then again, he was quite hot..
Kunnes muisti takas palas, eikä muisto ollut paras!
Nyrpeäksi kävi neidon mieli, siitä ilmekin jo kieli..
But then a memory came to her mind, and it was not very kind!
She pulled a face, it was such a bad case..
Kukkia oli saanut ennenkin, kera hymyin herkimmin.
Ei muuta, vaikka aika ois.. Miksi et kysy, kysy pois?
He had brought her flowers before, smiling even more..
Nothing else, even when she waited..the question all the men hated. Why dont you ask, ask already?
Satikutia sai sotilasrukka, ei kelvannut enää keltainen kukka..
She was not happy, so the consequenses were crappy..
Ei luovuttanut mies harmaa, ei pelännyt vastausta varmaa
Polvistui hän, kera katseen kysyvän..
" Ota omaksesi, sinut vain haluan.. En muita halaja, sen nyt tajuan"
He did not give up tough, not even when feeling low..
He kneeled and pleaded..
" Take me as yours, I only wish for you to be mine.. I'll be yours forever, please be so kind!"
Onnesta lähes itkien, vastas neito myöntäen..
" Oi haluan olla omasi, voit viettää täällä kaikki lomasi!"
Weeping with happines she agreed to his..
" Oh yes yes, Im so tirred being a Miss!"
Mitä tuleva tuokaan, sen onni heille suokoon..
Yksi asia on varmaa.. ja se on punainen tupa ja perunamaa..
What the future brings, no one knows.. but one thing is clear
and that is Red cottage and a Potato field..*

* Old finnish saying, a dream of having your own place at the countryside
Valokuvaus/Photographing: Robin
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