They said it would rain on the weekend but instead it was all sunny and nice weather. I missed the "cleaning day" , a day thats organized few times in the summer when everyone go to the parks to sell their second hand items with out having to pay any fees or be afraid that someone would tell you that you cant do it. Its very popular event but missed it this time because I hadnt got my things ready to go and I had also made other plans for the day. I visited the Helsinki Comic festivals with my friend. A small event with a big tent filled with comics from new and old artists and some speaches and interviews from artists. Love the athmosphere in there, unfortunately I was on the road with a small budjet once again, but I did buy one comic from the sale and was really hyped about it, hugging it like an exited teen while on the buss on the way to my friends house.
Otettiin pari kuvaa vielä kaverin pihalla mun asustani. Kuten kuvasta näkyy, raidat ovat tulleet jäädäkseen. En pääse niistä eroon kulumallakaan enkä haluaisikaan!
We took few quick pictures from my outfit at my friends houses yard. As seen here, I'm back inlove with the stripes, it really never goes away!
Paita/Shirt: Seppälä (vanhaa mallistoa)
Läpinäkyvä musta paita kuviolla jonka alle on laitettu lyhkähihainen valkoinen paita kivan kontrastin vuoksi.
Seetrough black shirt with a print, under that a white short sleeved shirt for nice contrast.
Hame/Skirt: Seppälä (vanhaa mallistoa)
Kassi/Bag: Banned
Hattu/Hat: Ginatricot
Korvakorut/Earrings: Glitterin Ale
Neuletakki/Cardigan: Hellbunny
Ostettu/Bought: Na-clothing Osta myös/Buy also: Amazon
Ihana neuletakki jonka nappeja voi pitää myös kokonaan kiinni, mutta tykkäsin että paita näkyy alta. Mulla on näitä samantapaisia myös koossa 3XL mikä on mulle vähän parempi mutta tämäkin sopii hyvin, on joustavaa materiaalia.
Wonderfull cardigan wich you can also wear with all buttons closed but I liked to show the shirt underneath. I have similar of these also in size 3XL wich is bit better than this for me, altough this aint bad and it is made from flexible material.
And lastly few never before published pics of the same cardigan from a shoot that was done earlyer this year in the spring.
Sukkahousut/Pantyhose: Escaping Bats , Pamela Mann
Ostettu/Bought: Na-clothing Osta myös/Buy also: Blue Banana
Koko/Size: 2XL
Mukavan paksut sukkahousut ilmeisesti pimeässä hohtavilla (ehkä?) lepakoilla. Alunalkaen meinasin maalata nämä vihreäksi ja käyttää mustavihreän hameeni kanssa mutta se tuntui lopuksi liian hankalalta projektilta. Näyttävät kivalta myös näinkin.
Thick pantyhose wich has probably glow in the dark print of bats. I was going to paint these green at first and use them with my black-green skirt but it seemed like too much of a hassle in the end. I like them as they are aswell.
Muita blogeja samalla neuletakilla / Other Blogs with same Cardigan:
Fatshion Peepshow
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Valokuvaus/Photographing: Alex, Hanski & MissMeri